What the Cert, Unified Access Gateway or UAG

So this next post will be about using the same certificate we created in “Signing and Horizon Connection Server” and applying it to the UAG’s.


The blurred areas  are complete

The blurred areas are complete

I have deployed a UAG and when I connect to the management I get the error about the certificate not being trusted. UAG admin page is https://fqdn:9443

  1. Click Continue and login to the UAG and the select Configure Manually

  2. Select TLS Server Certificate Setting

  3. Check the Admin Interface (uag01.demo.org) and Internet Interface (vdi.demo.org)

  4. Select Certificate Type as PFX

  5. Upload PFX and Select hzcs.pfx

  6. Enter the Password assign (from the previous post)

PFX Certificate

PFX Certificate